
Golf Buddy Voice Caddy Strap

Golf Buddy Voice Caddy Strap

Golf Buddy Voice Caddy Strap

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Golf Buddy Voice Caddy Strap
The GolfBuddy Voice Caddy Strap could be perfect for you if you’re the proud owner of a GolfBuddy Voice GPS Range Finder. Already the world’s smallest and most lightweight Range Finder on the market, and the fact it also tells the time in a digital 24-hour format while offering pinpoint accurate yardage readings to the front, middle and back of the green means the GolfBuddy Voice Caddy Strap can be used to wear the GPS as a wristwatch. Away from the golf course, the GolfBuddy Voice can remain on the clock setting, which means you can then wear it out and about while it can also speak the time at the press of a button in up to seven languages.

GolfBuddy Voice Caddy Strap Features

  • Makes the GolfBuddy Voice into a personal wristwatch
  • Very comfortable fit and performance
  • Conforms to your golf attire
  • An ideal partner for the GolfBuddy Voice GPS Range Finder
This remarkable GolfBuddy Voice Caddy Strap also features:
Code: 249610
