To enter, simply make sure you are logged in as a club member following the instructions below, and buy any Ping product.

If you already have an agclub account that is registered online then please login here:

If you have an account but no agclub account or have not registered your agclub account online then
please login here and click on the club member tab at the top of the page within your account

If you have neither then create an & agclub account by simply entering your details below

Terms & Conditions:
Competition runs from 19.03.15 - 19.04.15. To enter, simply purchase any Ping products and make sure you are logged in as a club member online or your club card is swiped through the till in store to be entered. Prizes are as stated and cannot be exchanged for other products, cash or vouchers. Winners will be selected at random after 19.04.15 and contacted directly. Winners names will be available by emailing Entries can be made by writing to American Golf Marketing, 1030 Europa Boulevard, Gemini Business Park, Westbrook, Warrington, WA5 7YW - no purchase necessary.